Wednesday, December 27, 2023

I am Poem: The Scar on My Left Hand

I am what the scar on my left-hand shows.

I wonder why my words don't reach their destination.

I hear the sound of peace when I read.

I see the colors of which my emotions would be.

I want a life with no worries about money. 

I am what the scar on my left-hand shows.

I pretend the emotional scars I have don't affect me, 

but they are the worst...

I fee the look of disappointment of your face when I misbehave.

I touch the fall leaves wanting to feel as light as them.

I worry for the people around me. 

I cry when I feel like I've failed someone I care for. 

I understand I am immature. 

I say life is overwhelming, 

but if it doesn't kill me I'll be okay.

I dream of a life in peace.

I try to make myself seem perfect,

but understand

I AM human.

I hope you forgive my mistakes

I know I could have done better.

I am what the scar on my left-hand shows.  

Sunday, November 19, 2023

I Am Poem

 I am an artist

I wonder about my place in life

I hear the constant whir of life in my family and friends

I see the greatness that just may await me

I want to be great, great as I can be

I am an artist

I pretend to be dull, but I am not, never will be

I feel the wind of defeat blowing far past me

I touch invisible sparks everywhere

I worry about the road ahead of me

I cry over so many little things

But know that I am strong


I am an artist 

I know that I am full of potential

I dream of touching the stars

I try to make myself better, the best I can be

I hope to be better, only if it is possible

I am an artist, an aspiring artist, an artist-to-be

by Radiyyah

I Am Poem


                      I AM NAHMIR WITH A PASSION. 

I am rich    

I wonder if I got a new pair of shoes

I am cats 

I am crazy

I think about a million dollars

I am smart

I am 11

I am Biden 

I am Trump 

I wonder if  I have a famous cousin

I am famous 

I am powerful  

I see rain 

I see sun 

I see fog 

I see dogs

I dream of being in the NFL

I dream of being in a mansion

I hope I get I get into the NFL

I wish I get a McLaren

I am Nahmir

I Am Poem

 I am: Jasaii

I wonder: the future

I hear: bells

I see: white

I want: money

I am: Jasaii

I pretend: sleep

I feel happy

I touch: flowers

I worry: friends

I cry: changes

I am: Jasaii

I understand: weather

I say: I love god

I dream: growing up

I try: math

I hope: good grades

I am: Jasaii

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Windy Dayz

 The windy wind flows by my house,

When I walk out 

I feel cool breeze through my body.

When I walk down the street

I see leaves getting pulled by the wind.

Pulled by the wind

As I see little kids playing in  leaf piles

Then the wind becomes strong

I have to bundle up


As I am walking the wind pulls me back

I see a bunch of birds bundle up on one branch

Then suddenly I felt a drizzle drop

on my arm

I go to look up in the sky

Then the rain begins to pour out from above.

      by Brookelynne

Monday, April 10, 2023

Acrostic Poem

 Nice intelligent person

I get a’s and b’s 

Yes I am 12 

An independent person

Have 8 siblings

Acrostic Poem

 Amazing like nobody else

Mind of her own

Young as a star

Always on top in her work

Happy as can be

Poem by Ke'Mani

 Mind of her heart and love

A plus set your goals 

Nice like honey

I set goals

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Poem: Black History, Is World History

 Black History, Is World History

We’re not the only ones who suffered

But we suffered~

We’re not the only ones who went through pain

But it hurt~

We’re not the only ones who had to wait

But we did for years~

Everyone wants to follow trends made by our          

people, eat what my people eat,

do what my people do,

but they don’t want to go back(1800s) in time and do what my

people did,

 suffer what my people suffered~

Everybody wants to be a black person, but nobody really wants to be a black person.

We waited so long for freedom and now we finally have it,

These are my people, This is my freedom, This is my                 beautiful black life, and this is OUR world and WE have the power to be Our beautiful black selves, We have the power to be free, Nobody and I mean Nobody has the power of

my people but My People~ `1
by Amajanae