Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Consider the following website to enrich your writing.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Hello! My thanks to classrooms 6-4 and 6-5 for writing your thank-you letter to Mr. and Mrs. McGeogh. Usually, people enjoy receiving letters and email. Mr. G. surely did. We hope the Captain Underpants books are making reading more enjoyable and less difficult. Keep up the good work. Don't forget to log your reading!

Sorry to say, there was still more disrespectful behavior this week! Remember that talking is OK most of the time, but not while others are talking. That's rude.  Please be more considerate of everyone. Remember to respect your school in the hallways.

A vocabulary word we analyzed this week was duality. Good-bad, big-small, bright-dim, ying-yang, man-women, hot-cold, love-hate...the Do Now word relationship analogy. But did you know your electronic devices also utilize the concept of  duality ? Binary is another word you should know. The prefix "bi-" means: two.

Binary data is the system that computer scientists formulated to break down information into a matrix of 1's and 0's; that runs all of our computers, sending texts, pictures, videos over fiber-optic wires.  Inside fiber-optic and computer systems these 1's and 0's flash ON/OFF ( on=1   off=0.) They say we live in a digital age. 1's and 0's we know to be digits.

Remember to always consider the mind of the author. What is he or she saying explicitly and implicitly.

Finally, congratulations to Adrien Poperechny of 6-5 for the his answer to the $1 brain puzzle. The man in the field was wearing a parachute! Kudos also to classroom 6-4 for gaining the Friday surprise. Still a lot of work to do. Gear up.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I almost forgot. Remember to turn off your electronics while you do homework. All your friends DO NOT ALWAYS KNOW that you are studying! And yet, they are interrupting your focus--sometimes dozens of times, or more! Be smart and let your mind concentrate without constant interruptions. We know from experience.
Well today ended with thorns and roses. The thorns were the excessive talking by some students, and therefore, a lack of listening, and therefore, a lack of understanding. The roses included, but not limited to...the aha moments shared with certain students who came to an understanding of the words explicit and implicit. These are moments teachers live for. And we don't live that long, I am told. Create your own aha moments. Ask a question. Get answers.