Friday, March 7, 2025


As delicate as a dove

I spread my wings

and fly

soaring through the night's sky

Let's hope I will fly


     by Leilani

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Figurative Language Lyric Lab Poem: by Joe



is like or as

why don't you  listen to jazz



for sure

Sally sells seashells by the seashore


makes me who I am

bing bop boom boom bing bap bam

use a 



throw a boar through the door

I like using a 


isn't that kinda ironic

oh yeah 


when I grow up I wanna do construction

are you used to an 


if the teacher ain't there then you need an substitution

Friday, March 1, 2024

                                                                 Feeling Machine

                                                Emotion 101

In the city of Metrotopia, there was a company called TechWorks. They were known for creating robots that stirred up many industries, from healthcare to transportation. One of their creations was a robot named A-12, a.k.a. Aria. Aria was made to assist humans in everyday tasks, from cooking and cleaning to listening to their problems. But there was one thing about humans that Aria struggled with - emotions. She couldn't understand human emotions. One day Aria was assigned to work with a girl named Amelia. Amelia was kind, caring, and the exact opposite of Aria. Amelia was fascinated by Aria and what she could do. When she found out that Aria couldn’t understand emotions she was determined to help her.

At first Aria wasn’t very sure. She couldn't understand why humans often acted based on their feelings. She thought it was  stupid, but Amelia thought otherwise. “Why would I need to learn human emotions? I don't need to understand them,” she said. But Amelia was still determined “Let me help you, it might even be fun,” Amelia replied. “Maybe fun for you, but not me,” Aria hissed. “Please, I just want to help,” Amelia cried. “Alright fine, but don't expect me to understand,” Aria snapped. As Amelia explained different emotions and helped Aria learn, she began to see things differently. But even then Aria was still stubborn, “Can’t we do something else?” Aria groaned. Amelia tried a bunch of different ways to help Aria understand emotions and interest her at the same time. She showed her different things that show different emotions. She also encouraged Aria to interact with humans and see how they expressed their feelings. As Aria spent more time with Amelia, she started to pick up on subtle things that showed how humans were feeling. She learned to read expressions and body language. Even then Aria was still just as rude and stubborn.

One day Amelia took Aria to a park where they observed a couple that was having an argument. Aria was interested by the emotions on display. She asked Amelia why they were yelling. Amelia explained that emotions were a natural part of being human, but all Aria did was groan and roll her eyes. As days went by Aria and Amelia got closer. They spent hours discussing emotions. Aria asked Amelia different questions and Amelia gave her answers. Aria was still bored  by human emotions but she understood them at least. One day Amelia shared a personal story with Aria. She told her about a difficult time in her life. When she felt overwhelmed with sadness. Aria listened to the information and tried to understand Amelia’s emotions. Amelia was the only person that helped her so if she was going to listen to anyone it would be her. After Amelia had finished her story Aria surprised her by saying, "I'm sorry you had to go through that Amelia.” Amelia was surprised by Aria saying that. Aria and Amelia were complete opposites. Aria was a rude and stubborn robot, but Amelia was kind and considerate. Even though Aria was still a little rude, Amelia was proud of her. She knew that Aria would continue to grow as she interacted with humans. As they walked off Aria knew that she would always be grateful to Amelia. The girl who had taught her how to not only be a machine, but a machine with feelings. A feeling machine

                  THE END

                                            Feeling machine..

What Black History Means to Me

Black history means being proud of the color of my skin knowing that my ancestors fought for my freedom. Black history means to me knowing that there’s still racism in this world and we’re still fighting for equal rights. Black history means knowing that one day I may  go to jail for the color of my skin and not for my actions. 

Black history means loving the color of my skin because I'm Bback and beautiful. If people can't see that then that's a problem because being black is a special reward and I'm proud to be black because to me - black is beautiful. 

Black history means celebrating what MLK, Rosa Parks, and Malcom X stood for in life. There’s plenty more heroes in the world who tried to fight for black’s freedom and no one has achieved it, but we are still trying because no matter what, this discrimination needs to end. Racism needs to end because many people are losing lives just because of the color of their skin. 

Most heroes wear capes but my heroes stood for my freedom sadly they lost their lives, but at least they tried. Black history means a time to celebrate the men and women who have suffered for the color of their skin.



by Derricka

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

I am Poem: The Scar on My Left Hand

I am what the scar on my left-hand shows.

I wonder why my words don't reach their destination.

I hear the sound of peace when I read.

I see the colors of which my emotions would be.

I want a life with no worries about money. 

I am what the scar on my left-hand shows.

I pretend the emotional scars I have don't affect me, 

but they are the worst...

I fee the look of disappointment of your face when I misbehave.

I touch the fall leaves wanting to feel as light as them.

I worry for the people around me. 

I cry when I feel like I've failed someone I care for. 

I understand I am immature. 

I say life is overwhelming, 

but if it doesn't kill me I'll be okay.

I dream of a life in peace.

I try to make myself seem perfect,

but understand

I AM human.

I hope you forgive my mistakes

I know I could have done better.

I am what the scar on my left-hand shows.  

Sunday, November 19, 2023

I Am Poem

 I am an artist

I wonder about my place in life

I hear the constant whir of life in my family and friends

I see the greatness that just may await me

I want to be great, great as I can be

I am an artist

I pretend to be dull, but I am not, never will be

I feel the wind of defeat blowing far past me

I touch invisible sparks everywhere

I worry about the road ahead of me

I cry over so many little things

But know that I am strong


I am an artist 

I know that I am full of potential

I dream of touching the stars

I try to make myself better, the best I can be

I hope to be better, only if it is possible

I am an artist, an aspiring artist, an artist-to-be

by Radiyyah

I Am Poem


                      I AM NAHMIR WITH A PASSION. 

I am rich    

I wonder if I got a new pair of shoes

I am cats 

I am crazy

I think about a million dollars

I am smart

I am 11

I am Biden 

I am Trump 

I wonder if  I have a famous cousin

I am famous 

I am powerful  

I see rain 

I see sun 

I see fog 

I see dogs

I dream of being in the NFL

I dream of being in a mansion

I hope I get I get into the NFL

I wish I get a McLaren

I am Nahmir